Creating the Mess

       We all create many complications around us, some of them make their way through it, but most of them make themselves entangled in it, these complications are like swamps under our feet, the more we wrestle it more we are trapped in it, Those who remained calm and hold Savior's hand, make their way through it, and those who show their keenness and jerk the only way for their survivor will make their life hell......! 

    My life was running smoothly like a laminar flow of water, that creates satisfaction in my mind and subconscious, but its the rule of life that everything never happens the same, many ups and downs come in one life, 



 Sometimes you have to let life upside down...

 So you can learn, how to live right side up... 

    My life was going at its maximum speed, I was enjoying every moment of my life, and every dawn brought a new surprise and thrill for me, you can say that I was a new girl every day,


    I had many friends most of them were belong to the middle class, and I belonged to the same class, as we know, every society is a mixture of elites and mediocrity, so some of the elites were also there. Her name was .....hmmm... we didn't know ...first...!because she never told us her full name, she used to call herself "AR cat ", we all were so curious to explore the secret behind her name, but we couldn't find that first... She belonged to an elite-class family, her Father was a businessman and they had many cotton factories, so in short, she had a good family background, we never saw her using the local language in front of us, It wasn't like she use any foreign language like English or something else, she used to speak a very unique language, a mixture of English+Urdu+Punjabi = colorful Pinglish .......hehe!

   As she belonged to a superior class family, so she got some extra protocols from teachers and class fellows, every new day she used to create a new word in her Pinglish dictionary, she was a very unique item of our class,

   In the month of Ramzan, she used to absent from class, the very first time when she was absent for the first time, she wrote an application to the class teacher her application was:  

          Respected Mam, 

            I beg to say that I am at Sparrow fast, this is my very first time in such a crucial Sparrow fast, its 7'o clock and I am suffering from dehydration and thirst and my body is also heating up, so, please. grant me a leave for one week so I can recover my health soon,

          I shall be very grateful to you for this act of favor.


         Yours obediently,


           AR cat,

       It took three days to understand what did the word sparrow fast actually mean, we all were guessing it might be some sort of new place where she has gone for a picnic or some refreshment and unfortunately, there she was struck by dehydration and fever, we all were praying for her health, after three days AR came back to school we all were so happy that our prayers brought fruit and she has recovered her health so fast, Now this was the time..that for which we all were curious about, what did this place look like, her answer put me in a great shock and then I couldn't control my laugh was not a place .... she was fasting .....the damn "Chiri Roza" ..........hehe.....! 


  Introducing AR here is not because she had her unique Pinglish but, she had a great role in bringing me out of the hell that I created stupidly, this was the point where a sharp turn came in right front of me while I was my max. speed, couldn't control myself and got injured....

 To be continued...


  1. What a fantastic blog! I really enjoyed it .Best wishes for you.

    1. Thanks a lot for your well wishes , its really worth for me 😍

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